Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Career Workshop Interview workshop Notes

- We were told that on an interview to tell a little bit about yourself she gave some questions to think about when you are being interviewed.

Where are you from
What are some of your self interests
What are your accomplishments
How is your background
            - Skills
            - Work Habits
How do others see you what are some of your strengths and weakness
     - Think about how to make up your weakness and how to exploit your strengths
If you can't find the answers to this question think about what other people have said about you. What do some of your teachers/peers have seen in you and your work as a whole.

Preparing your on personal brand

Think about what makes up you as a person why would people want you. Why are you so special combine this into a personal brand.

What makes you a unique person can this set you apart from other people who are looking into the same jobs.

What can you do bases animate or draw that may draw the employers attention.
   For example, Peacemaker, Pianist, Painter
                        Fashionable geek, chef, animator

The Company
What can you do for the company that wants to hire you

Use the information on your resume as talking points when practicing write or type down this points and do mock interviews with friends, family, and teachers.

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